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Progressiv webbapplikation som lÄter mÀn boka tid för frisyr samt ger frisörer möjlighet att hyra en salongsstol.

UX/UI design / PWA / Backend and API’s / React / Laravel / Quality Assurance

Cuttime project image
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TFS Compliance

TFSC is a digital all-in-one solution that helps to reduce risk, simplifies compliance and improves safety.

UX/UI design / Mobile app development / Quality Assurance / Backend and API’s / React Native / React / Laravel

tfs views on laptop and mobile

Want to light up your ideas with us?

JĂłzefitĂłw 8, 30-039 Krakow, Polen

(+48) 789 188 353

NIP: 9452214307

REGON: 368739409